Monthly energy file for January 2022 incomplete

  • Last post 10 March 2022
NODT posted this 10 March 2022


A quick query, I noticed the monthly energy file for January 2022 is incomplete. It only goes up to 17th January.


Will this be replaced with a complete file? If yes, when will this happen?

Also, when will you be publishing a monthly file for February 2022?





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Phil Bishop posted this 10 March 2022

Hi Tim

We've packaged up the Jan and Feb 2022 daily files into monthly files but you shouldn't expect us to do that each month. As was stated here, we will produce the montly files at the end of each calendar year, once prices for all days of that year are finalized.

BTW, the reason the Jan 2022 file was incomplete is that it was created half way through month when prices had only been finalised up to 17 Jan (on the same day that all of the 2021 monthly files were created).


NODT posted this 10 March 2022

 Hi Phil

Thanks for answering my questions.

I was aware of the statement regarding the production of monthly volumes on an annual basis, but as monthly files were being produced on a more regular basis I wanted to understand the process around that. And you have explained that, so thanks.

Out of interest, I did find the regular publication of energy prices in monthly format useful.

