Phil Bishop
posted this
05 December 2024
- Last edited 05 December 2024
In all SPD schedules, load (or demand) is a parameter given to the model. In the case of RTD schedules, which is what we're talking about here, the load parameter is obtained from meters that provide an instantaneous reading at the time the SPD model is run. Maybe there is a second or two of lag between the meter snapshot and the model being run, I'm not really sure. But the load measurement should be interpreted as the load at that node at that moment.
The generation megawatts is a variable in SPD. So the generation value is what the model says the unit needs to generate in order to meet the fixed load at all nodes, given all of the other constraints in the model - transmission limits, losses, plant capacities, security constraints, etc. So generation is definitely not a metered measurement and I wouldn't call it a forecast either. It becomes the basis for dispatch instructions.