Matthew Keir
posted this
16 January 2017
- Last edited 17 January 2017
Hi Brittany,
Grid export and embedded generation data is published around the middle of each month
Unfortunately, the method by which we receive the data for these datasets is not formalised and as such timing can vary slightly. The source files for each month arrive around the middle of the following month. We load and process these files when we get them and publish the data in EMI datasets.
We have a project underway to formalise and revamp the generation and demand datasets. The outcome of this project will be much clearer information making it easier to use and interpret. This is a not a small undertaking with the volume of data that exists in the market to date and will take some time, although is one of our high priorities.
Interpreting current grid import/export and embedded datasets
Grid import and export only have energy flowing into or out of the grid (GN, GG, GD points of connection). The embedded dataset currently comes from a separate source and is the embedded energy generated within networks.
If there is more energy generated in a network than is consumed, the net difference (accounting for losses) will show as grid import at a network grid point of connection. Therefore, summing embedded generation and grid import may result in some double-counting. Similar double-counting would occur if you used grid export rather than import as grid injected embedded generation is exported from the grid somewhere else.
However, normally offtake from the grid is greater than injection from a network with embedded generation so there is no resulting grid injection. So in order to form a view of total generation it’s reasonable to surmise that the sum of grid import and embedded generation forms a proxy for total generation. You might want to check those sites with large embedded generators though.
Note that grid export is less than grid import due to grid losses. Also, there can be generation that is self-consumed behind meters at ICPs or grid connected industrial sites.
Our project will clarify these nuances and provide data series for what people are interested in.
In the meantime, I hope this answer helps.