Consultation on releasing additional registry fields through the ICP connection data API

  • Last post 18 June 2019
Matthew Keir posted this 30 April 2019

The Authority is consulting on "Quick wins for increasing access to electricity services" as part of the Additional Consumer Choice of Electricity Services (ACCES) project.

This consultation is seeking input on releasing additional fields from the registry through the ICP connection data API (proposal 3) along with other proposals to enhance the timely sharing of consumption data. If you have views on these issues please take the time to respond to the consultation.

The registry functional specification (available under the download heading) may be a useful reference.

Consultation is open until 11 June 2019.

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Matthew Keir posted this 08 May 2019

Anyone with an interest in this topic is invited to a roundtable session on the three proposed initiatives in late May. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and get a better understanding of what is proposed.

This session will also give people the opportunity to hear from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on how such innovation is consistent with the Privacy Act.

If you have a question you would like to see addressed at the roundtable, you could email it ahead of time to

The roundtable will be held in Wellington on 27 May 2019 at 2 pm. For full details please see the ACCES webpage. To register to attend the roundtable please email

Matthew Keir posted this 18 June 2019

For those following this discussion. Submissions on the consultation have been published here.