Creating EIEP13C .csv file

  • Last post 27 June 2016
energie posted this 22 June 2016

Hi all,

I am seeking to submit an EIEP13C request for ICP meter data to a retailer via the EIEP Transfer Hub. This will request EIEP13A and EIEP13B files to be returned (preferably sent by email).

Does anyone know if there are examples of the EIEP13C filetype available?

I have read the specification for EIEP13C located on EA website (link to page) and also Registry Functional Specification which has been somewhat helpful with the file naming requirements, butwhat would be really useful is an example of an EIEP13C request CSV file, and the EIEP13A and EIEP13B responses.

Thanks for your help. Steep learning curve for the uninitiated.



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Matthew Keir posted this 27 June 2016

Hi Nathan,

I don’t have an EIEP13C example file at the moment. I’ll talk to our operations team and track down an example.

In the meantime, it’s great to see you’re well on the way with your discovery journey and that you've already read up on the formats and registry function spec. Did you also find the procedures document – this might be worth a read too.

I’ve created another discussion here as I couldn’t seem to attach the 13A and 13B example files to a post.



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energie posted this 27 June 2016

Thanks Matthew. I have drafted some test EIEP13C files for ICPs I am associated with and have submitted to three seperate retailers as appropriate.

Will see what feedback is from these retailers, and timeframes for response.

I am also interested to see how they choose to approach the agent authority / authority code. For example, Bosco Connect (Tiny Mighty Power) have a function on their website to generate one-off use codes (which I have used in my EIEP13C submission).

Personally the sensible structure of the EIEP13C (requiring a valid Customer Name & retailer specific Customer Number - both of which would be hard to obtain by a 3rd party without the release of this information by the ICP owner) probably makes the authority code redundant. Unless I am missing something (quite probable!).

I appreciate the time taken to provide 13A and 13B files. The format seems straight forward enough.

