EMI real-time data API has been dead for 2 days – 23 Jun 2018

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  • Last post 22 July 2018
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icepicknz posted this 23 June 2018

Data reporting from 2 days ago and hasnt updated :(

My car and powerwalls didnt charge for the last 2 days


{"interval":"22-JUN-2018 21:50","interval_datetime":"2018-06-22T21:50:00","five_min_period":5,"isDayLightSavingHR":0,"pnode":"KMO0331","load":13.333,"generation":0,"price":114.48}

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trevorhiggans posted this 24 June 2018

Also getting the same JSON result as above.  Please fix.  

icepicknz posted this 24 June 2018

Looks like it’s got to the 23rd now :/

Phil Bishop posted this 25 June 2018

Yeah, it seems there was a problem with the Corporate ESB (FUSE) platform at the Transpower end that began between 9-10pm on Friday night. We never received files from the SO all weekend. We've been in touch with the folk at the SO and the files have started coming through. It's not clear yet what order the files will arrive in. It might take a little while to sort this all out and catch up on the backlog so please bear with us. 

Cheers, Phil.

icepicknz posted this 25 June 2018

Thanks Phil. Where can we obtain a more consistent and more stable data source? Seems there are no SLA’s or stability with the current system

icepicknz posted this 26 June 2018

So it looks like the RTP and PRS has been realtime accessable this whole time; the following URL is what the electricity info website uses to plot the graph!

Going to have a play now to try using this for more up to date RTP and to forecast PRS so i can do better things


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trevorhiggans posted this 26 June 2018

Let me know how you get on. I’d be interested in a more accessible up to date feed

icepicknz posted this 10 July 2018

Happy it helped. I’m using it myself and it’s great

icepicknz posted this 22 July 2018

broken again today

Phil Bishop posted this 22 July 2018

Yep. Should be back on line shortly.

Believe it or not, our SFTP server for incoming data is located in a cupboard here at the Authority rather than in the data centre where our data warehouse and EMI servers are located. The RTP and RTD data for the API is extracted from the SPD case files that arrive via SFTP from the system operator. There was a planned power outage of our entire building for six hours yesterday. We were assured that our SFTP server would be restored once the power came back on line but that never happened. It's taken a while this morning to get somebody on to it - apparently a lot of folk off sick this morning.

We would ask that you cut us some slack for a few more weeks. We are in the midst of a project to migrate our platforms to the Azure cloud. As part of that project we're also making changes to our support arrangements. All going well, we should be live in about four weeks with a much more reliable and better performing platform.



icepicknz posted this 22 July 2018

that is great to hear that there is a plan moving forward; one would think a piece of critical infrstruture like this would be well maintained :/

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