Real-time price API not updating – 25 Mar 2019

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  • Last post 02 May 2019
  • Discussion is solved
gp_dnz posted this 24 March 2019

Hi There,

Data that we are pooling through the API looks like it's no longer updated since the 23 of March 2019, the last interval that we can read on was "interval": "23-MAR-2019 06:25",

"interval_datetime": "2019-03-23T06:25:00", "five_min_period": 6, "isDayLightSavingHR": 0,

Appreciate if someonce can have a look at it please.



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Tuong Nguyen posted this 25 March 2019

 Hi Godfrey,

Thank you for notify us. We will investigate the issue and let you know when the issue is fixed. Unfortunately, the person in charge of this is not around today. So, you may not hear back from us until tomorrow the earliest.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Tuong Nguyen

gp_dnz posted this 25 March 2019

Hi Tuong,

Any idea on the ETA of this issue please?



gp_dnz posted this 26 March 2019

Any resolution yet?


gp_dnz posted this 26 March 2019

 All sorted guys, thank you,  very much appreciated:-)



Matthew Keir posted this 27 March 2019

Great - thanks for confirming Godfrey. Do check out if you have time to give your thoughts.

gp_dnz posted this 31 March 2019

Hi Guys,

It look likes the price has stopped coming in again?

Matthew Keir posted this 01 April 2019

Apologies - take a look now, should be back. The back end infrastructure is still struggling.

gp_dnz posted this 28 April 2019

 Good day,

Any chance someone can have a look on the price pulled out by API as it did not update for some reason.  The last price we get is still dated 26/04/2019.


gp_dnz posted this 02 May 2019

Good day,

It look likes the API has stop updating again for some reason.  Any chance someone can get going please. Thanks

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