EMI dataset changes – FOGP to be added to Offers dataset

  • Last post 25 March 2020
Phil Bishop posted this 16 March 2020

This announcement serves as a heads up that we will very shortly be adding a Forecast of Generation Potential (FOGP) column to the offers CSV file that we publish each day.

We will start publishing the new offers CSV file - in addition to and in the same location as the existing file - on Tuesday 24 March 2020, i.e. for trading day 23 March.

The new offers file will have the file name mask YYYYMMDD_Offers_with_FOGP.csv. An example file for 15 March 2020 is attached to this post. Relative to the current offers file, the new one will:

  • contain a new column called ForecastOfGenerationPotentialMegawatt
  • exclude the redundant (empty) column called OtherGridEntity
  • have all text strings enclosed in double quotes.

For the avoidance of doubt, we will be publishing both the new file and the current file simultaneously (i.e. two offers files to be published per day) for about a month. Publishing of the current files will then cease and the file mask for the new files will change to YYYYMMDD_Offers.csv. We will provide plenty of warning as to the precise date on which this changeover will occur.

Some additional and background information regarding the published offers data can be seen at:

Attached files

  • Liked by
  • mcawte
Phil Bishop posted this 25 March 2020

The new offer files with the FOGP column are now being published on EMI each day, as per the discussion above. Please be advised that on 21 April 2020, the 'old' files will cease being published and the 'new' files will take on the naming convention of the old ones, i.e. YYYYMMDD_Offers.csv. To be quite clear, the changeover will take effect on Tuesday 21 April for files pertaining to trading day Monday 20 April.
