How are outages modeled in vSPD?

  • Last post 21 October 2020
bfung posted this 10 July 2017

Looking through vSPD, I'm wondering how outages are defined in the model. The data in the GDX file seems to define parameters for different branches, but how can I go from looking at POCP outages and figure out which ones are reflected in the model? Are the constraints provided by the system operator, and then implemented in the GDX? Is there a base grid that is used and subtracted from, similar to the FTR auctions? 



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Tuong Nguyen posted this 10 July 2017


What kind of outage are you mentioning? Transmission or generation?

I assume you mean transmission (branch) outage in this case. In order to model a branch outage in vSPD, you can set i_TradePeriodBrachOpenStatus to 1 for that branch as following:

1. Open vSPDSolve.gms

2. Navigate to the following section


* 4. Input data overrides - declare and apply (include vSPDoverrides.gms)


3. Add the following code at the end of this section

  • To model an outage on ARA_T2.T2 for all periods: i_TradePeriodBrachOpenStatus(tp,'ARA_T2.T2') = 1;
  • To model an outage on ARA_T2.T2 for periods 15: i_TradePeriodBrachOpenStatus('TP15','ARA_T2.T2') = 1;

Note that if a branch is currently modelled as out of service in the GDX file, setting set i_TradePeriodBrachOpenStatus to 0 does not guarantee this branch is reconnected. You can easily model a branch outage in vSPD but to reconnect a line already out is a little more complicated.

Hope this help.






Mathieu posted this 21 October 2020

Hi Tuong,

Is it possible to do so using vSPD Online? 



Phil Bishop posted this 21 October 2020

Unfortunately, no. Only demand and offers are able to be modified using vSPD-online at this time.
