How to retrieve consumption details of a suburb using the EMI real-time dispatch API?

  • Last post 31 July 2018
lathakarthigaa posted this 25 July 2018

I require to capture the information of the energy consumption of all the suburbs that constitute New Zealand for research purposes. How can I retrieve the consumption details of a suburb such as "grey lynn"(for example) using the api provided by emi? I have implemented the shared code and passed my subscription key to retrieve the data for a specific filter using time intervals. But i am not able to deduce the details from the data i have got. Any idea how to approach this requirement?

Thanks in Advance.

Matthew Keir posted this 31 July 2018

Hi lathakarthigaa,

Thanks for your question. If you're at the Univerity of Auckland, there are some very knowledgeable students and staff that perhaps can assist with your understanding of the electricity market and wider industry. This will help you interpret the data you are able to access through EMI and the API.

To give you a couple of pointers:

I've removed a few of the tags from your post as they were unhelpful to other users. I've also changed the category to reflect the data you are after.

Unfortunately, we aren't resourced to provide IT assistance on how to use the APIs themselves. It sounds like you are making progress, we have 200 other real-time API subscribers who have got it working and may be able to assist if you post a specific question.




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