Hydro risk curve data

  • Last post 27 February 2018
littlejj posted this 26 February 2018

I'm keen to download a csv of the hydro risk cruve dataset.

The the link to download the CSV is constructed from a bunch of parameters (see below):



Are there any details on how those parameters work? Can I leave at least some of them blank so that the 'latest' effective date data is presented?


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Matthew Keir posted this 27 February 2018

Hi littlejj

The URLs for the web pages and reports are key to providing the functionality on EMI. The content of the URL is subject to change as we continually improve or adapt the website. Given this is the case, we don't support direct interaction with reports through URL with any documentation, and certainly, we don't attempt to advise users of changes affecting URLs or maintain compatibility of these methods through time. Our preference for this type of interaction would be to release data through a documented channel like our other APIs. However, we're a small team with a lot to get done.

All EMI reports have default parameter settings, these are chosen to reflect what we think is the most useful or frequent view of each report. This means whenever a parameter is not specified the default applies.

For the HRC report, the effective date defaults to today, and the end of the date range defaults to 12 months ahead of today. If you are happy with those defaults, you can set the start date that you want and the region code to either NZ or SI.


That should get you what you want, just be aware that using this method will likely result in it breaking from time to time, as changes to the website and associated processes occur.




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  • littlejj
littlejj posted this 27 February 2018

That is great! Thanks very much.

I'd very much support an API for this report and dataset - please let us know if you want help to support that case!