Hydro Storage Data

  • Last post 24 November 2019
paulatsydney posted this 22 November 2019

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am wondering whether it's possbile to get historical and up-to-date Hydro storage data to download.

As I went through this forum and other websites, i got a feeling that it's impossbile to get it for free. Therefore, i am willing to pay to subscribe a good data source, but still unable to find one. Asking for your help here, thx in advance.


Actually the data i am looking for as below, every week Transpower announces this kind of data:



Best regards,


Matthew Keir posted this 24 November 2019

Hi Paul,

Yes, unfortunately, you're correct in terms of limited access to historical and up-to-date hydro data, at least for the moment. Both the system operator and the Authority pay for access to the up-to-date data and those terms preclude us from making the raw data available. We do hope to get some more reports up when we can.

You've probably already seen the following discussion, the third bullet is to the source we use: https://www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Forum/thread/inflow-data-download/

I understand that MfE was considering changes that may include more open data, so keep an eye out for any consultations: https://www.mfe.govt.nz/consultation/action-for-healthy-waterways

There's also some more general related background to the openness of weather data:



  • Liked by
  • paulatsydney
  • gardner