Today we’ve upgraded the EMI forum providing enhanced features to users

You can now: 

  • subscribe to follow tags as well as categories and discussions ensuring you never miss out on a notification,
  • easily insert images (jpegs) into discussions and posts providing more flexibility and scope for meaningful discussion,
  • send private messages to other forum members (although we’d prefer you keep most content on the forum so others can benefit),
  • get suggested tags as you add them to a discussion reducing the opportunity for duplicate tags.

The 'EMI news' category is now a tag

The 'EMI news' category has been changed into a tag. This change means that we can keep each discussion in the relevant category aligned with the context of the discussion and separately tag it as newsworthy. If you were subscribed to follow the 'EMI news' category you have been migrated to follow the 'EMI news' tag. To find out what you follow click the 'following' heading in the forum menu.

Please note – if you follow a category or tag you will be notified of new discussions in that category or assigned that tag. This does not mean you will be notified of new posts in a discussion. To be notified of these posts, you will need to also follow the discussion itself if you are interested.