Pre-dispatch quantities

  • Last post 17 December 2024
es101 posted this 15 December 2024


I am trying to understand how to get pre-dispatch data.

If I understand correctly, pre-dispatch prices and quantities are obtained after running the SPD model using pre-dispatch offers and bids data. (and other information)

Pre-dispatch prices seem to be available here: ForecastPrices.

Is the data for pre-dispatch quantities available?

Thank you,


Phil Bishop posted this 17 December 2024

Hello Erwann

We do not publish any pre-dispatch information from the SPD model other than the prices that you note above. I believe island totals for load and generation might be published on WITS? You'd need to check with the WITS team to see exactly what they make available.

We do publish energy and reserve offers offers used in all SPD schedules, including the pre-dispatch schedules. But be aware that the offers we publish can and do change through time right up to gate closure - one hour before real time. So if you want to align the offers data with pre-dispatch schedules, you will need to work with the timestamps to know which offer was the valid (most recent) offer submitted at any point in time.
