A new data series - constrained on/off costs and volumes - has been published here.
A CSV file containing the dollar cost of constrained on/off payments by participant, location, trading period, and constraint type will be published each month. The series has been backfilled to June 2013. Megawatts and the implied price ($/MWh) are also provided.
This series expands and supersedes the series of costs due to the constraining on or off of frequency keeping previously published in the Ancillary services folder, by including costs arising from the constraining on or off of energy, reserves and dispatchable demand, as well as frequency keeping. Please note that the Ancillary services folder and all of its contents will soon be removed. See also this discussion.
The columns in the files of constrained on/off costs and volumes are:
- Participant - a 4-letter code
- ParticipantShortName
- ConstraintType - Energy, Reserves, Dispatchable demand, and Frequency keeping
- ProductType - Energy or Reserve
- ProductClass - Injection or Offtake
- ProductSubClass - FIR or SIR in the case of reserves, otherwise blank
- ConstraintIndicator - On or Off, i.e. constrained on or constrained off. Note that reserves are only ever constrained on
- TradingDate
- TradingPeriod
- PointOfConnection
- OtherGridEntity
- Unit
- DollarsPerMegawattHour - implied from the Dollars and Megawatts, i.e. $/MWh = 2 * Dollars / Megawatt
- Megawatt
- Dollars
Finally, be aware that the dollar values have been rounded to two decimal places when in fact the source data contained values to several decimal places. This rounding results in dollar values and prices of zero.