Corrected prices - 2019 Undesirable Trading Situation

  • Last post 06 December 2021
Phil Bishop posted this 09 September 2021

An Undesirable Trading Situation (UTS) was alleged in late 2019. The UTS was upheld and the action to correct involved resetting prices for the period 3-27 December 2019.

The pricing manager recently published the corrected prices.

The correction entailed capping offers at $13.70/MWh for all trading periods during 3-27 December at the following nodes:

  • AVI2201 AVI0
  • BEN2202 BEN0
  • CYD2201 CYD0
  • MAN2201 MAN0
  • OHA2201 OHA0
  • OHB2201 OHB0
  • OHC2201 OHC0
  • ROX1101 ROX0
  • ROX2201 ROX0
  • WTK0111 WTK0

The attached spreadsheet contains the original and the reset final energy and reserve prices for the impacted days. EMI shows only the reset prices.


Attached files

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Phil Bishop posted this 29 September 2021

Yes, it will get updated.

  • Liked by
  • msouness
Phil Bishop posted this 06 December 2021

The short answer is any day now.

The published price file called "201912_FinalEnergyPrices.csv" reflects the post-reset prices. You are correct, however, when you say the wholesale price trends report still shows the pre-reset prices. 

We are in the midst of migrating our data collections from SQL Server databases to a Databricks / Delta Lake platform. The wholesale price trends report is still pointing to the old SQL database that has not had the prices updated for December 2019. Some of the wholesale EMI reports are already pointing to the delta lake and we expect the rest to be switched over within the next few weeks. We plan to decommission the SQL Server in January 2022 so they'll certainly all be switched over by then.

If you dial up OTA2201 on 16 Dec 2019 in the "Wholesale price trends" report you'll see that the price is $319.89/MWh in TP 32 - this is a pre-reset price. Conversely, the "Wholesale data for a single node" report returns the post-reset price of $304.19/MWh because this report points to the delta lake.


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  • mark_meen
msouness posted this 28 September 2021

Will the EMI file "201912_Final_prices.csv" be revised?

mark_meen posted this 06 December 2021

Can you please advise when this will happen? The Wholesale Price Trends dashboard still reflects the pre-reset final pricing.