EMI dataset changes – Final pricing SPD case files and vSPD GDX files location about to change

  • Last post 08 October 2018
Phil Bishop posted this 17 September 2018

All users of SPD case files and/or vSPD GDX files should be aware that the location of these files will soon change.

SPD case files are currently available at www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Wholesale/Datasets/Final_pricing/Raw_case_files while the GDX files required by vSPD are currently found at www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Wholesale/Datasets/Final_pricing/GDX. We are nearing the end of a project to migrate our EMI and data warehouse infrastructure from a local data centre to the Microsoft Azure public cloud. The job that places these files in their current location will not be migrated to Azure. We are looking to cutover to Azure some time next week, although the precise day has not yet been locked in.

The new location for the SPD case files will be www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Wholesale/Datasets/FinalPricing/CaseFiles and for GDX files will be www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Wholesale/Datasets/FinalPricing/GDX. In fact, both case files and GDX files are already being placed in both of those locations and will continue to be so between now and cutover.

A separate discussion will be created shortly to advise of the cutover date. 

Please note that all final pricing SPD case files are published on EMI datasets regardless of whether or not the prices emanating from those cases are provisional, interim, or final - or whether prices are even published at all, i.e. some cases result in no published prices. A GDX file is created and published for every final pricing case file we receive. However, once we know the price status, we put a _P, _I, or _F (denoting provisional, interim or final) in the GDX file name to indicate the price status. Once we know that the pricing manager has published final prices for a given trading day, we remove all GDX files for that day other than the GDX file associated with the 'final' final prices. In the coming months, a report will be published on EMI that allows users to link GDX files to an SPD case ID and to the status of the resulting prices according to prices published by the pricing manager. 

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Josh Smith posted this 07 October 2018

Hi Phil,

Is it the EA intention to add the Raw_case_files files to the Azure public cloud?

Or will they only be available from these locations?



Phil Bishop posted this 07 October 2018

Yes, the publication of GDX files and final pricing SPD case files will resume very soon, if it hasn't started already. Over the next day or two, everything back to 1 Oct should get caught up.

The files will be published in an Azure storage account in the first instance and from there they will be visible at the URL's noted above. That storage account will also be synchronised with our legacy FTP server, EMI FTP, for the next 25 days or so. More information on how to directly access the Azure storage account will be forthcoming this week. see also https://www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Forum/thread/important-message-for-emi-ftp-users/.





Josh Smith posted this 08 October 2018

Thanks Phil,  

I see the Legacy FTP site has stopped adding Raw Case File since the 2nd Oct.  

We will keep an eye on the above link over the next couple of days :)
