Forecast Prices Historical Data

  • Last post 25 July 2018
Samuel posted this 23 July 2018

I was wondering if historical price data from the price-responsive schedule (PRS) is available for download.


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Phil Bishop posted this 24 July 2018

Yes, those prices can be made available for download. In fact making them so available has been on our TODO list for quite some time now. However, we're right in the middle of a major project to migrate our data warehouse and EMI platform to Azure so we're a bit tight on available developer resource at the moment. If we haven't got to this within the next couple of months, please get back to us.

What timeframe do you want to see this data for? If it isn't for too long and it's just a one-off, I can possibly get you a file of prices. But please be mindful that we are not resourced to routinely provide customised data extracts.


Cheers, Phil.

Samuel posted this 25 July 2018

Wow, that's fantastic!

I was looking for July and August 2017, but not to worry about the one-off, its no problem to wait a few months.