Generation data

  • Last post 13 June 2021
sarahafeez posted this 11 June 2021

Can anyone please walk me through how can I access the generation data such as wind, hydro and thermal etc on a daily resolution.

If generation mix is not available, can i have access to daily generation from individual power stations and than I can map them accordingly.

Thanks for your help



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Phil Bishop posted this 11 June 2021

Have you tried to use the data available here?

Alternatively, you might like to use reconciled injections (as compiled by the reconciliaiton manager to support the wholesale market clearing process) and build your own mapping of this data to generation plant. 



sarahafeez posted this 12 June 2021

Thanks Phil.

Thanks for sharing the links above, I should be able to map these to the respective power stations and fuel type but the data doesnt seem up-to-date.

One of the link is going back to 24 May 2021 and the other to 13 May 2021. How often does the data gets updated?




Phil Bishop posted this 13 June 2021

 Both datasets at the links above update monthly. The May 2021 data will be uploaded this week.