Historical Grid Demand Dataset

  • Last post 03 September 2020
dlu1 posted this 31 August 2020



I have been looking through the forum and various Azure links to see if there is an easy way to get the demand data from this report: https://www.emi.ea.govt.nz/Wholesale/Reports/W_GD_C. I'm interested in hourly actual demand data by region. The closest thing I found in the wholesale datasets is the grid export, which I saw from another forum post that it is not the same as demand. 

Additionally, on the report link, there is an option for "Zone" in the regions. Is there a map somewhere that lays out which regions fall in those zones? For example, which regions (Northland, Auckland, etc) make up Upper North Island, etc?


Thanks in advance,


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Phil Bishop posted this 03 September 2020

FYI, there's also an NSP table report under Wholesale reports on EMI.


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  • msouness
dlu1 posted this 03 September 2020

Thanks for the links, Malcolm. Appreciate the help on figuring out the regions and shape.

msouness posted this 01 September 2020

Hi Daisy,

Here's a link to the Electricity Networks Association website - there you will find a map of NZ with the different electricity networks.  I recommend segmeting by network region.

There are also GIS map data on the EMI portal - as well as a schedule of grid exit points and the networks and GPS locations.

Cheers, Malcolm



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  • dlu1