Somebody recently asked us how to model an HVDC bi-pole outage using vSPD. In this previous post I have described one of the ways to model a branch outage. Modelling an HVDC bi-pole outage is a bit more complex. Please note that this guidance relates to the use of vSPD in standalone mode and not vSPD-online.
In order to model an HVDC outage we need to take the four HVDC branches out of service (open status = 1) and disable the reserve sharing mode. The code snippet below will do the trick. The piece of code should be inserted into vSDPSolve.gms as instructed in the previous post.
i_TradePeriodBranchOpenStatus(tp,'BEN_HAY1.1') = 1 ;
i_TradePeriodBranchOpenStatus(tp,'BEN_HAY2.1') = 1 ;
i_TradePeriodBranchOpenStatus(tp,'HAY_BEN1.1') = 1 ;
i_TradePeriodBranchOpenStatus(tp,'HAY_BEN2.1') = 1 ;
UseShareReserve = 0 ;
reserveShareEnabled(tp,resC) = 0 ;
Of course, there can be special cases that will need to be dealt differently. Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance by posting quesiotns on this forum. We will try our best to help out.