Inflow data download

  • Last post 18 December 2020
dgcfx posted this 14 November 2018

Is there anyplace to download a hydro inflow dataset, say daily data? I see the “flows” datasets on emi, but that is a lot to wade through. I’m looking for something simpler like the graphs on the Transpower site here, but in .csv or similar and more back history if possible. Cheers.

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Matthew Keir posted this 29 November 2018

Further to the post above: collects water quality information from across the regional councils and presents this in one place. Some additional summary information on rainfall and reservoirs/lakes is also provided.

Worth a look.

  • Liked by
  • dgcfx
  • msouness
Matthew Keir posted this 15 November 2018

 Hi there,

There is a variety of places you can look for hydrology information, however, to my knowledge up-to-date downloadable data is not available for free anywhere. The following links may provide you with some of what you are looking for:

I hope that helps.



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  • dgcfx
paulatsydney posted this 25 November 2019

Thanks Matthew, it's quite helpful.


Actually I've subscribed NIWA, which contains weather data and hydro water quality data such as water discharge and stage data. While it doesn't contain the storage information, given that NZX energy provide data based on NIWA data, i don't understand how NZXEnergy sort it out.


Have a nice week and Cheers, Paul






msouness posted this 18 December 2020

If you're interested in converting charts into CSV data, there's a website for that...

Takes a bit of configuration but seems to work quite well.