When I compare the data on ElectricityInfo and that of the EMI API, it would appear the API is 25minutes delated.
For instance if I look at the following URL for my pnode KMO0331 right now at 6:45pm, I get the following data
{"interval":"01-FEB-2018 18:20","interval_datetime":"2018-02-01T18:20:00","five_min_period":5,"isDayLightSavingHR":0,"pnode":"KMO0331","load":11.442,"generation":0,"price":174.75}
When I noticed the problem, the API was still showing a spot price of $121 where as electricity info website was showing it at $174, the data was a good 15-20 minutes delayed which is no good for automation of generation and turning off power hungry devices etc.
Is it the intention for the API to be so lagged behind; is there a more accurate way of getting more up to date data?
I used to be able to use https://www.electricityinfo.co.nz/comitFta/five_min_prices.download?INchoice=SEL&INdate=31/12/2016&INgip=KMO0331&INperiodfrom=1&INperiodto=50&INtype=Average however that link no longer works.