Missing offer file (now restored)

  • Last post 17 August 2016
  • Discussion is solved
dwaterworth posted this 17 August 2016


The offer file for 1-Aug-2016 is missing from ftp://ftp.emi.ea.govt.nz/Datasets/Wholesale/Bids_and_offers/Offers/2016/201608/





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dwaterworth posted this 17 August 2016

Thanks Phil!

Phil Bishop posted this 17 August 2016

Hey David - thanks for letting us know. The 1 August file is now there.

We recently upgraded SQL Server versions and a bunch of packages required some tweaking to make them work. While the guys did the upgrade on the development environment first, I guess one or two things slipped through the cracks. Be sure to let us know if you find anything else amiss.


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  • dwaterworth