Missing wind farms from Generation output by plant: YYYYmm_Generation_MD.csv files

  • Last post 07 December 2023
HenryChen posted this 01 December 2023

The files YYYYmm_Generation_MD.csv files are missing generation data from the following wind farms:





The em6 API is returning SCADA for these wind farms yet they do not appear in the EA EMI .csv files.



Guy Ross posted this 07 December 2023

GOR0331 (Kaiwera Downs) and WIL0331 (Mill Creek - they changed a loss/identifiying code a while back that wasn't mapped) are in there now. 
HRP2201 (Harapaki) will kick in mid-November. So they'll show up in the next export (in the next week).
HWB0331 (Mahinerangi) is a little bit lost to us as it is hidden behind and merged in with Waipori Falls hydro (now in there). But I'll ask around to see what else we can dig up.

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