New report on EMI – Binding constraints

  • Last post 16 October 2020
Matthew Keir posted this 03 April 2017

We recently published a new wholesale report on EMI that shows binding constraints. The report shows all binding constraints from the final pricing Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch (SPD) solution for all trading periods in a day. Occasionally there are days where no binding constraints exist. Users can also download the underlying data for more than a single day.

In addition to this new report, we will continue to append the annual file of binding constraints in EMI Datasets on a weekly basis.

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  • Mathieu
Mathieu posted this 16 October 2020

Hi Matthew,

I was wondering if shift factors associated to those binding constraints were available for any given key nodes.

If not, could you please give some hints on how one could infer them using available data and the vSPD Online? It would probably involve decomposing the LMPs into their 3 components, approximating the loss factor in order to decompose the congestion further. The decomposition of LMPs is however, to my knowledge, not directly available here.

Thanks a lot,
