Open source alternative to GAMS/vSPDonline

  • Last post 02 October 2023
windcrusader81 posted this 28 August 2023


I've been using vSPD-online in recent weeks. Whilst it is a useful tool and allows running of simple counter-factuals, I find that the interface is a little limited and it is also hard to automate market simulations. I understand you make all the GDX files available which allows you to "self-host" and run models yourself. However, this relies on having the propietary tool GAMS, which costs several thousand $ for a commercial license.

Anyway, is there a way to run GDX files and SPD models using an open source alternative? This would be very beneficial to industry consumers.

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Phil Bishop posted this 02 October 2023

Also, we're not too far away from publishing a new version of vSPD that reads from a single (albeit quite large) daily GDX file, ie all SPD cases that result in a published dispatch price, which in turn goes into the final price on which each trading period is settled, will be packaged up as single daily GDX file.


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Phil Bishop posted this 02 October 2023

Hi there

I am not aware of any open source option that can read and execute GAMS code. Even if you could find such a tool, you'd probably want to use a commercial LP/MIP solver, as vSPD is a reasonably large problem to solve. Some years ago, we tested open source solvers within GAMS and the performance wasn't great with vSPD.
