OTA22002 Spot Data missing from 15th Jan 2021 to 17th Jan 2021

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  • Last post 31 January 2021
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Rajesh Lekhwar posted this 31 January 2021

Hi, Spot data appears to be missing from 15th Jan 21 to 17th Jan 21.


Thank You

Phil Bishop posted this 31 January 2021

Hi Rajesh

The prices are not missing, they are zero. OTA2202 was disconnected during the time you mention - see www.emi.ea.govt.nz/r/b3qz1.

When nodes are disconnected, the pricing manager will publish the price as zero. Personally I think this is confusing and there should be no price published rather than a zero price. That said, it's a bit redundant because if the node is disconnected, then there can be no injection or offtake at that node so the price is somewhat irrelevant.




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