Power ratings of transmission network in NZ

  • Last post 22 September 2023
singas posted this 15 September 2023


Is there a consolidated document which enlists the power ratings of various transmission lines (all voltages or atleast 220kV and above) as shown below for both North and South Islands?


Attached files

Order by: Standard | Newest | Votes
welml posted this 17 September 2023

Hi Ashish, see here for Transpower's data.


singas posted this 22 September 2023

Thanks welml for providing with the information. The information is indeed helpful.

I am wondering if there's an easy way to calculate transmission capacity (MVA) amongst various regional zones in North and South Island. For example- in the North Island, what is the total MVA between Auckland regional zone and Waikato regional zone?

The regional zones as indicated by Transpower in their Transmission Planning Report as follows: 

7 NORTHLAND REGIONAL PLAN .................................................................................... 93 

8 AUCKLAND REGIONAL PLAN .................................................................................... 108 

9 WAIKATO REGIONAL PLAN ........................................................................................ 133 

10 BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL PLAN ............................................................................ 163 

11 CENTRAL NORTH ISLAND REGIONAL PLAN ........................................................... 192 

12 TARANAKI REGIONAL PLAN ...................................................................................... 214 

13 HAWKE′S BAY REGIONAL PLAN ............................................................................... 230 

14 WELLINGTON REGIONAL PLAN ................................................................................. 245 

15 NELSON-MARLBOROUGH REGIONAL PLAN ........................................................... 266 

16 WEST COAST REGIONAL PLAN ................................................................................. 275 

17 CANTERBURY REGIONAL PLAN ................................................................................ 292 

18 SOUTH CANTERBURY REGIONAL PLAN .................................................................. 311 

19 OTAGO-SOUTHLAND REGIONAL PLAN .................................................................... 335