It would appear pricing is returning $500,000 per MW right now for KMO0331 but not any nodes in auckland or tauranga, which would lead me to believe there is an event in Tauranga right now. Where is the best source to find information on node prices etc like this? I've just turned my batteries to stop charging from solar so I can feed the grid and take advantage of the export spot price, hopefully this figure is actually correct and not an error somewhere in the EMI API?
I'm guessing a major feed in to TGA has failed or been turned off for safety from an accident or something? I did notice a few second outage this morning.
{"interval":"11-SEP-2018 08:45","interval_datetime":"2018-09-11T08:45:00","five_min_period":4,"isDayLightSavingHR":0,"pnode":"KMO0331","load":10.517,"generation":0,"price":500000}