Hey guys,
Just wondering what the unit is for the results from an API query for real-time. For instance, below is the output for pnode SWN2201, load is 0.16 and generation is 0. I assume once this node (Mercurys new battery) starts pushing to the grid, it will show a generation value. Is this generation value a percentage value or GW/h value etc? same goes for load, is this saying the node is noding 160kW (0.16MW) or is it 0.16GW? just wanting to perhaps graph the load vs generation to see when its charging / discharging with the and put the realtime price on the graph too see when mercury are choosing to use the battery.
While i'm on it, does anyone know if Vectors battery has a pnode and if so what it is, would be interested to see how these Tesla batteries are being used and when.
{"interval":"23-AUG-2018 12:40","interval_datetime":"2018-08-23T12:40:00","five_min_period":3,"isDayLightSavingHR":0,"pnode":"SWN2201","load":0.16,"generation":0,"price":78.94}