Sensitivity of price to changes in load

  • Last post 12 October 2023
Olga posted this 12 October 2023

Hi EMI team,

Recently you have released new Wholesale report "Sensitivity of price to changes to load",|3

It is a great piece of information but I couldn't find a way to download historic dataset, only data for one day.

Can you please help to get access to historical dataset? Is there a way to download it through Azure Storage Explorer?

Thanks, Olga

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Phil Bishop posted this 12 October 2023

Yes, the data download matches the report itself in that it only works on one day at a time. I'll discuss with the team and see what the best options are, ie allow the data range to be set for the data download independently of the report, or just publish a seperate dataset with historical data.



Olga posted this 12 October 2023

Thank you, Phil - very appreciated. Let us know when you have an update.