Spot market prices : historical and real time

  • Last post 09 March 2020
NavBI posted this 16 December 2019

Hello Guys,

Am looking for URL to get the source data for historical and real-time spot market prices.

provisional, forecast, final.

Thanks in advance.

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Phil Bishop posted this 16 December 2019

You can download final prices from here each month - You can also get final prices from the Data tab of this report each day -|3, or any group of days you care to dial up.

You can download real-time prices from here each day -

You can download forecast prices from here each day -

You can subscribe to our real-time price APIs here -

See also this post - and the links therein if you want to know more about prices.



  • Liked by
  • NavBI
  • Loxley
NavBI posted this 05 January 2020

Thanks Phil.

The above details are very informative.

based my findings the spot prices started in 1995. is the way to get the data from 1995 to the current year.


Kind regards,

Phil Bishop posted this 06 January 2020

The wholesale electricity market in New Zealand began on 1 October 1996 (see para 38). 

  • Liked by
  • NavBI
NavBI posted this 06 January 2020

 Thanks Phil.

is there a link to get the historical prices from 1996 to 2020




Phil Bishop posted this 06 January 2020

See the first link in my original response. P

  • Liked by
  • NavBI
msouness posted this 06 March 2020

Worth noting the final prices for February 2014 have a different date format, not a major issue.

Phil Bishop posted this 08 March 2020

Can you tell us please what prices you're looking at when you say the date format has changed for Feb final prices.

The final prices we publish on EMI haven't yet been published for Feb.


Oh, I see now you said Feb 2014. I'll check that out.


  • Liked by
  • msouness
Phil Bishop posted this 09 March 2020

The Feb 2014 file has been replaced with the date format now consistent with all other files - Phil.

  • Liked by
  • msouness