There has been some discussion on this forum lately about our real-time price API – see here and here for example. The sentiments expressed in these posts are not new. Over two years ago we were having very similar discussions. In particular, see here. I would draw your attention to bullet #4 to explain why our API has been a bit unreliable lately. There is actually nothing wrong with our API per se; the problem is that the infrastructure solution that sits between the source of the data and our API is not fit-for-purpose.
The good news, however, is that your complaints and suggestions are being heard. A meeting of the relevant parties has been scheduled for early September 2018 to see how we can get a Wholesale Information Trading System (WITS) API up and running by the end of this year.
Please post to this discussion if you have specific views as to what data you would like to see delivered via an API and in what priority ordering (I’m guessing not everything will be available on day one). Feel free to advise us of any design requirements you deem to be important.
In thinking about the data to be made available via an API, please be guided by what’s currently available on WITS. Perhaps we should target the series that have been discussed on this forum lately – real-time prices (RTP) and some or all of the forecast price series, e.g. PRS?
As was explained in our post over two years ago, standing up APIs was always intended to be part of WITS upgrade programme. Unfortunately it was envisaged as one of the last phases of the upgrade whereas some of us would’ve preferred it be the first. Nonetheless, the fact that you’ve all been vocal about your need for actionable data in a timely manner, delivered via a reliable platform just goes to show that sometimes it really is worth complaining. Making submissions when the Authority consults would be useful too.
Please note that in making this solicitation we, the Market Analytics team, are in no position to be making any promises. The Market Analytics team has long advocated the innovation benefits that come with open data. However, we do not control the purse strings and nor do we make the final decisions on priorities. That said, we have a seat at the table for the meeting in September so can advocate on your behalf if you tell us what you need.
I'm sure that if this WITS API intiative gets going, there will be a formal requirements gathering phase. Telling us what you want here on this forum will help ensure the needs of both the Participant and the non-Participant community don't fall through the cracks and get lost.
Cheers, Phil.