Units of embedded generation

  • Last post 22 August 2023
  • Discussion is solved
Antonio de Padua posted this 07 August 2023

Hello everyone,

I have just started querying EMI data.

Specifically I'm looking at the embedded generation data set

I only have a basic understanding of power markets so I am wondering what are the units for the values shown?

Is there any place where I can find this kind of information (i.e. metadata about the data sets) for future data sets? 


Thanks in advance and kind regards


PS: Congrats to the team who built the data access system. It's great compared to what you find in other countries


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  • msouness
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Guy Ross posted this 11 August 2023

Hi Antonio,

The measures there are in kilowatt-hours (kWh).  
That's one of our older data sets, newer ones tend to be more explicit with their detail and column names. (And larger!) 

ie Wholesale/Datasets/Volumes/Reconciliation



  • Liked by
  • Antonio de Padua
msouness posted this 22 August 2023

PS: Congrats to the team who built the data access system. It's great compared to what you find in other countries

- Yes, I have to agree this is a fantastic resource for industry participants to dig around and find things.