Changes in Tech Codes for Generation MD Files causing Automation Errors

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  • Last post 07 June 2022
hopet posted this 06 June 2022

We're getting file validation errors when trying to process the generation md files.

Root cause looks to be changes made to the values in the tech_code column when the files were regenerated under the post relating to Turitea missing from Generation_MD CSV files.

Is it possible to regenerate the files again and set the tech codes back to the codes used in the rest of the datasets for that library for consistancy?

Tech_Code(New files) Tech_Code(Existing Files) Hydro Hydro Wind Wind Cogeneration Cogen Thermal Thrml Geothermal Geo


Guy Ross posted this 07 June 2022


They've been regenerated now, back to January 2020.

Both the Fuel and Tech code columns, should now be back in line with previous extracts.


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