Consumer Plans and Prices Extract

  • Last post 02 November 2023
  • Discussion is solved
electric12345678 posted this 03 May 2023

I noticed the really useful discussion on prices recently here but it doesn't seem to have exactly what I'm looking for.  Is there a periodic data extract made available for all of the prices and plans each electricty provider in NZ offers?  I could scrape their websites, but that seems wasteful.  Looking to map from a given ICP to all the available prices and plans that are on offer at that time to the consumer.

Thanks in advance


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electric12345678 posted this 02 November 2023

Following my original post on this thread we have introduced a retail pricing API for all of New Zealand at  We provide transparency of all retail price plans across all major electricity retailers in New Zealand in all 39 Network Reporting Regions.

To learn more specifically about our APIs see and to specifically take a look at the pricing plan API you can jump straight into

The platform reviews all prices daily and understands all unique subtlties for electricity retail pricing right down to the half-hour and weekend intervals.  Incorporating all the tiering around peak, offpeak, night, levies etc. around pricing.

Take a look and if you're keen for a free 1 month trial of the API please get in touch at

We hope you like it, lets us know what you think!




Phil Bishop posted this 24 October 2023

I believe PowerSwitch negotiates data supply arrangements with each retailer that wants to have their tariffs considered by the PowerSwitch algorithm.

yuang posted this 23 October 2023

It make people wonder how powerswitch gets the plans and prices?

Christopher_MoneyHub posted this 15 August 2023

Hi there,

You might find it useful to look at this analysis from our website:

We went through most of the energy companies in NZ and compared energy prices from 25 different plans for an inclusive meter in the main cities (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin). We summarised the findings on that guide, but you can also download the speadsheet we used to compare providers.

I see you requested this information back in May, we tend to update the guide twice a year (around may and october).... hope this helps!



Phil Bishop posted this 05 May 2023

The Electricity Authority doesn't do the price plan work that you're describing.

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  • electric12345678
  • msouness