Network Pricing Schedules

  • Last post 14 April 2023
cjp1 posted this 26 March 2023

I would like to access nationwide pricing schedules but it seems this is not published in a centralised format. 

Is the only way to get this information to go to individual EDB's and extract from their website disclosures or are these all filed and accessible somewhere?





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AndyMc posted this 30 March 2023

Hi Clive,

Going to each network website and extracting price schedules from pdfs is incredibly painful and time consuming. And it takes a fair bit of effort intrepeting how each network presents their pricing structures and how they are applied.

The networks are required to provide their price schedules to the Electricity Authority in the EIEP12 file format. These files won't be perfect, but they are far easier to work with than the pdf schedules.

Although they're not published, it's probably worth requesting them via an official information act request to the Electricity Authority. It's public information, so shouldn't be any issues.

The Electricity Authority really should publish these on their web site.

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  • cjp1
Phil Bishop posted this 14 April 2023

Hey guys - see

Fill yer boots!