I'm looking for some clarification regarding EIEP14 format.
1) Register content code - spefication states that this field is conditional and can be empty (null) for non-fixed or non-delivered tariff components. I'm looking at case where the same tariff applies to more than one (or more commonly all) register content codes. Is it possible to leave this empty (null) for all register content codes? I assume it's not possible to use more codes in this field as it would clash with period of availability.
2) Period of availability - similar question as above - in case all register content codes with all possible availabilities are covered by this tariff, can this field be empty?
3) Is it possible to state multiple periods of availability for the same content code - eg. same tariff applies to CN15, CN16, CN17, CN18, CN19, CN20?
Any clarification would be appreciated.