EIEP14 questions

  • Last post 2 days ago
Tom_ posted this 3 weeks ago


I'm looking for some clarification regarding EIEP14 format.

1) Register content code - spefication states that this field is conditional and can be empty (null) for non-fixed or non-delivered tariff components. I'm looking at case where the same tariff applies to more than one (or more commonly all) register content codes. Is it possible to leave this empty (null) for all register content codes? I assume it's not possible to use more codes in this field as it would clash with period of availability.
2) Period of availability - similar question as above - in case all register content codes with all possible availabilities are covered by this tariff, can this field be empty?
3) Is it possible to state multiple periods of availability for the same content code - eg. same tariff applies to CN15, CN16, CN17, CN18, CN19, CN20?

Any clarification would be appreciated.


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Guy Ross posted this 2 weeks ago

Most tariffs apply to a specific flow direction + register + period combination. Grouping any one of these fields as suggested could lead to ambiguity when 'new' combinations are dreamt up. 
It would/should not be difficult to list multiple combinations with the same rate. 

Additionaly, metering combinations tend to have a regional dialect. Especially around controlled hours. I wouldn't expect to see that many variations (ie CN-15 -> CN-20) in a single distribution network, and imagine the distributors would be working towards ensuring that too. Again, being a machine readable interchange format, hopefully it is not too onerous to repeat them.

In short, sorry, no to all three.

Tom_ posted this 2 weeks ago

Thanks for clarification Guy. I none of this is possible maybe you could help me with the correct procedure. What I'm trying to do is to generate EIEP14 from generally available tariffs from a retailer.

Example data of a tarrif (using actual data from a retailer):
- Alpine network (ALPE)
- 015LCA price code
- standard user
- any register content code applies
- any period of availability applies

To be able to generate the tariff records for EIEP14 I need to know all possible possible content code with their corresponding period of availability for this network and this price code. Where can I find this information?

Guy Ross posted this 2 weeks ago

I'd start here: ie the MeteringConfiguration file, updated once a month.

You'd probably want to:

  • filter for residential ICPs,
  • exclude low/outlier ICP counts,
  • compress a few of the more wild combinations, (ie an ICP with five X-UN-24 meters would presumably get the same tariff for all five) 
  • perhaps take into account or filter smart registers if required (ie X-730n-nn)

ie A rough stab at your example above distills down to only about five different registers, one injection (I-EG-24), and four offtake (X-CN-8, X-CN-11, X-CN-15, X-UN-24).

Tom_ posted this 2 days ago

That's awesome. Thanks Guy! Is there way to get the older configurations (just to see how much does it actually change)? Found quite some invalid configurations and invalid price categories (based on the MeteringConfiguration file) in the pricing file from the retailer. Is this normal maybe because they don't update the pricing categories/configurations very often? Thanks