Estimated volumes in reconciliation and impact on consumer invoicing when data arrives?

  • Last post 17 April 2019
Bobwattseface posted this 17 March 2019


In the 'Code' are a number of references to meter data estimation as/when HRR data do not arrive. What are retailer obligations when 'actuals' arrive POST customer invoices and reporting (e.g. AV90) being issued? Reporting can be updated to reflect, but are customer invoices re-issued? Thinking here of TOU tariffs that might be altered compared to standardized profiles being used during estimation. 

Are there rules that cover this situation? 

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msouness posted this 17 April 2019

I'd like to hear thoughts on a scenario where the meter data provider supplies HHR data with estimates (profiled between end of day actual readings) to a retailer, which then bills and settles using HHR data with estimates replaced with their interpretation of a "reasonable" profile that is different to that provided by the MEP.

Given that both data sets can be considered "validated" actual readings, which is right?



Jonathon posted this 18 March 2019

Hello Bobwattseface,

The Code deals with the switching and reconcilation process (among other things), but does not regulate customer invoicing (apart from in several very specialised situations that don't apply here).

There is no obligation under the Code to re-issue customer invoices if you receive revised metering information (for example to replace an estimate or correct an historical metering error), as long are you are correcting it for market settlement and switching.  

However you will want to check the arrangements you have with the customer as they may cover what happens if a post-invoice correction is required. Most contracts will look to correct the invoice, or to carry the correction through to the next invoice.

Additionally you will need to consider general consumer law such as the Fair Trading Act , particularly if you end up billing the customer for more electricity than they actually use.   

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  • Bobwattseface
Bobwattseface posted this 18 March 2019

Thanks Phil, that helps.

Wondering out loud if there's corresponding rules that apply to retailers in terms of dealing with residential end user invoices that, technically speaking, might only be marginally out when real data is compared to estimated figures. It strikes me that one could conceive of very complex (and costly) business rules on how to deal with situations that either are extremely rare or have almost neglibible impact in dollar terms. 

Purely from a billing perspective, it would almost make sense to treat estimates as real after a period of time. 

Phil Bishop posted this 18 March 2019

Maybe someone from the Market Operations team at the Authority wants to jump in here but if I understand your question correctly, then yes, there most certainly are rules to cover the type of situation you describe.

The (volume) reconciliation process and the market clearing process can be repeated several times, up to 14 months after the initial run, to capture errors, omissions, etc. You might also want to take a look at the functional specifications for the various market operation service provider roles, in particular reconciliation and clearing.

