Expected generation to be commissioned data

  • Last post 17 November 2021
sarahafeez posted this 17 November 2021

I am looking for a database that can tell what new projects have been comissioned or what new projects are in the planning to understand how much capacity can be expected by a specific time in future.

I have been looking at a couple of links but they dont seem updated.



Is there any other source I can use? Does EA maintain any database for expected capacity?

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Phil Bishop posted this 17 November 2021

We used to publish a database of proposed new generation plant here. But that hasn't been updated since late 2019 because the person that did the work left the Authority and we haven't had the resources available to continue it. However, we plan to revive it next year, hopefully in Q2, although it will be structured somewhat differently.


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  • sarahafeez
sarahafeez posted this 17 November 2021

No worries, Thanks Phil