Request for one-month renewable energy generation and load data

  • Last post 16 March 2018
Arif posted this 12 March 2018


I’m doing research on the EV Charging Station Sizing. For the initial work, we are working on the energy management system (EMS) so we need one-month solar/Wind energy generation and a specific building (Auckland University of Technology) data. 

I will really appreciate if anyone can guide me in finding the generation and load data.


Best Regards,

Arif Rizvi

Vice-Chancellor's Doctoral Scholar

Auckland University of Technology,

Auckland, New Zealand.

HP: +64275314004



Matthew Keir posted this 16 March 2018

Hi Arif,

I'm not quite sure I understand what you are after, maybe someone else has more idea, but I'll see if I can help:


See my note below on specific embedded generation (eg for a building).

Injection volumes (MWh) are available in grid generation trends report or metered data files. You may need to look up what type of generator is at each node and select the nodes you are interested in - some information is available in existing generation fleet.

We have some plans to improve the reporting by fuel type. However, unfortunately, this is some time away.

Load for a building (ICP):

This is generally customer information and won't be available in the datasets we publish unless the customer is directly connected to the grid. You'll need to contact the customer first - they will be able to get the information from their supplier, or you can get their permission to act on their behalf. More information on accessing consumption data. This process should work for any injection (generation) from the connection too.

However, if you are after information about a building on your campus - you are best to contact your facilities manager, they likely have someone closely monitoring energy use on campus.

Best of luck.
