New reports on EMI – Stress testing

  • Last post 20 February 2017
Phil Bishop posted this 04 November 2016

Stress tests measure the impact on firms of financial exposure to wholesale spot market prices. 

Three stress testing reports are now available on EMI:

Each of the reports has accompanying notes to help users interpret the reports. A document is attached to this discussion that also contains definitions and guidance on how to interpret the stress test reports.

These three EMI reports replace the reports that have previously been published here on a quarterly basis.

Attached files

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Jonathon posted this 20 February 2017

The intention in the immediate future is to put this information on the Authority website, using a similar mechanism to how the existing participant audit summaries are published.


Once the audit regime is more mature we could look at what analysis and reporting could be provided through EMI.

msouness posted this 20 February 2017

Out of interest, where will the participant audit reports be located?