vSPD training workshop – Feb 2020

  • Last post 18 February 2020
Phil Bishop posted this 10 February 2020

We are planning to host a training workshop very soon in Wellington on the use of vSPD. Please email phil.bishop@ea.govt.nz by Monday, 17 February to register your interest.

The workshop will begin with a brief description of the vSPD model and the online version. The focus will then quickly turn to how the standalone version of vSPD can be used to undertake counterfactual experiments.

Please note, the standalone version of vSPD requires users to obtain a GAMS license (a GAMS license is not required to operate the online version or to attend the workshop).

We will advise you by email of the venue, date and time of the workshop once we know numbers. That said, the workshop will likely be held before the end of February 2020 and is expected to be approximately 90 minutes long (two hours tops!).

Depending on numbers and interest, we will consider holding a second workshop some weeks after the first one. The follow-up workshop will cover off some more advanced topics that time won't permit in the first workshop.

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Phil Bishop posted this 11 February 2020

Following a couple of questions about this workshop, let me add the following:

  • We are not setting out to explain linear programming, mixed integer programming, or the theory of electricity pricing.
  • We are focussing on the mechanics of conducting experiments and operating the vSPD model. It is taken as a given that you provide the model certain inputs, hit the go button, and the model returns a bunch of outputs, most crucially, nodal energy prices and island reserve prices.
  • The outputs are generated in the form of CSV files that can be then further processed using any desktop tool you like – R, Python, Excel, etc.

Phil Bishop posted this 12 February 2020

The vSPD workshop will be held in the Boardroom at the Electricity Authority on Wednesday 26 February at 1:30pm. Come to Level 7 Harbour Tower, 2 Hunter Street, Wellington.

The workshop should take no more than two hours. There is no need to bring a computer.

We have been asked if we can make the workshop available by simultaneous webcast. The answer will likely be yes - I will confirm one way or the other within the next few days, once I've ascertained that the technology available to us is reliable.


Phil Bishop posted this 18 February 2020

Unfortunately there will be no simultaneous webcast of the 26 Feb 2020 vSPD workshop.
