access issues with EMI datasets

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  • Last post 06 February 2024
tship posted this 28 January 2024


I'm having issues accessing EMI datasets using the latest SAS key in the below post ...

New access arrangements to EMI datasets (retirement of anonymous FTP) (


am getting ...

{"The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."}

Has been working fine for a long time until Wenesday last week.

Could you advise ?

Thanks in advance


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tship posted this 06 February 2024

Storage explorer worked ok.

i found that i had to add 

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

to our SSIS script task code to restore connectivity, looks like there was a protocol requirement change somewhere.



tship posted this 29 January 2024

Afternoon Guy,

We are using an SSIS script task that calls the C# Azure Blob Service dll with that SAS.As far as i am aware, nothing has changed, but I will check Storage explorer also ... maybe there is an issue at our end causing the bad request.



Guy Ross posted this 29 January 2024

Hi TShip,

That token is definitely still live, available and working for us. I'm not aware of any changes in that area last week. 

Which tool/method are you using to connect? (Storage explorer etc)

Is anyone else out there experiencing issues? 

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