There are three ways you can view items in your dashboard – a grid view, a list view, or by browsing individual reports in the set (with next and previous buttons). It’s up to you to choose which view works best for the content you’ve added, and the device they are on (desktop or mobile). The EMI website uses browser cookies to remember which view you last used for each dashboard and browser/device and will open in this view when you return. 


1. Grid view

The grid view operates much as you expect a dashboard to – it displays a range of content visually on screen in panes of up to eight reports. Grid view allows you to quickly scan a range of content you have selected without having to set the desired parameters each time you view the report. The custom names you gave each report view when adding them to your dashboard will be displayed.

On narrow screen widths (i.e. a phone) grid view isn’t available as it doesn’t make much sense. In this situation, you’re better off drilling into a report and using the individual report view to browse a set of reports you have saved in a dashboard.

Reports in grid view will default to the order you added them to the dashboard.


2. List view and filters

The list view works great if you want a list of favourite reports that you use frequently with saved parameter selections. The custom names you gave each report view when adding them to your dashboard will be displayed.

Table reports won’t display in a grid view very usefully so are more likely to be added to a dashboard for use in a list view.

The list view can be set to display as a summary view or details view where each report’s description will also display. Reports will default to the order you added them to the dashboard.

This view is also used when managing my dashboards


3. Individual report view

When you drill into an individual report by clicking the heading you enter a view of a single report and have access to change parameters. In this view, you can browse using the next and previous buttons as with any set of reports defined by an EMI dashboard, a selected tag, filtered report types, and/or a selected report category. 

The custom names you entered for a report when creating the dashboard will not show in this view as you also have the ability to change the parameters.


See adding a report to ‘my dashboard’ and managing ‘my dashboards’ for more assistance on using the ‘my dashboards’ feature.